Second First Post

Let’s get this started for a second time!

I managed to squash the first attempt at creating this hugo website by clobbering the files I’d edited using github. I would still call myself a github novice, and sometimes it shows.

Hopefully this time there’s less mess. I have started out correctly by getting all the github repository links set up before making any changes, so that I can commit changes as I make them now, as intended.

The bit that threw me off is the workflow of doing a git init in a newly created hugo site, editing files, and then pushing those files onto the main branch of a brand new github repository. Whatever I did, all my edited files and new posts went missing from the source files. I still had the generated website running here, but no longer had the files I’d used to generate the site! 🤔

I felt a little ill after it happened, and set the hugo site aside for a week, and am now making another attempt at establishing this home for my garage network homelab. I have lots of fun ideas that I’d like to share, and have always wanted to host my own media, to be linked to from the popular social medias.


The online presence for j__r0d’s garage network, a personal homelab

By ~/j__r0d, 2022-12-16